Lets Stay Together Tumblr Funny Video
Let's Stay Together
Originally posted by kingsebastian
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 1,198
Warnings: fluff!
A/N: bucky prob loves al green
Bucky's steps are silent around the tower; not a single creak or squeak is heard as he makes his way through the common room. The presents in his hands rustle a bit as he abruptly stops in the middle of the room, a reaction from the lights being suddenly turned on.
Bucky slowly turns his head to see who caught him,
"And just what are you doing, here, at," Sam glances at his watch, "11:54 at night?" Sam crosses his arms and waits expectantly for Bucky's answer, smirk plastered on his face as he stands there in his red pajama pants and tight, black t-shirt.
Bucky sighs and gives Sam a knowing look, you know why I'm here, Bird Brain, "It's her birthday tomorrow." Bucky states.
"I'm aware."
"So! I have to give her her presents!" Bucky explains, as though the reason he's sneaking around the tower is the most obvious thing in the world.
"And this couldn't wait until, I don't know, tomorrow afternoon or something?"
Bucky glances at his own watch, 11:56, "No, it couldn't! Can I go now? Is the interrogation over?"
Sam laughs as he watches Bucky walk off towards the elevators, steps no longer silent now that he's been caught.
Bucky bounces on his feet in anticipation as he watches the seconds tick on his watch, finally watching the numbers switch from 11:59 to 12:00. He frantically knocks, excited to be the first to greet you on your birthday.
As he waits for you to open the door for him, he glances down, and notices the sliver underneath your door is dark. The lights are off. Is she not awake?
Finally the door opens to reveal you, looking very groggy. You rub at your eyes with the bright pink sleeve of your sleep shirt, hem raising to show a peek at your green panties.
"Bucky? What are you doing here?" Your voice is raspy, and Bucky realizes his knocking woke you up.
"…Happy birthday." Bucky finally wishes you, a gentle smile on his face, because even though you're grumpy when you first wake up, he's happy to be able to see you on your birthday.
You stare at him for a moment before the confusion on your face transforms to recognition, and finally a smile. You reach out, your small hand reaching his neck as you gently coerce him inside your room.
"Thanks, babe, I almost forgot."
"Did you… Did you sleep through your birthday?" Bucky can't believe that you, the bubbliest and most colorful girl he knows, wouldn't be excited like a little kid on their birthday. Hell, you stayed up all night for his birthday, why not your own?
"No, silly, I was trying to sleep through the night, but I suppose since you're here you'll be keeping me awake, huh?"
"Babe! What's going on?"
You plop back down on your bed and stare up at him. You glance down at the presents in his hands before meeting his eyes again, "I've just never really done much for my birthday, is all. I got used to it."
Bucky plops down next to you, "Well, that's changing this year. Open your presents!"
Bucky thinks he did an incredible job. In the past, he always seemed to be on a mission or busy otherwise on your birthday, opting to bring you some food and flowers whenever he got back into town. But this year, he was finally here.
Three gifts with your name on it. The first, a lime green dress, decorated with small, white branches of leaves, brown buttons trailing down the middle, and a neat collar around the neck. The sleeves are loose but still short and all he could think of was you when he saw it in the store.
The second gift, a pair of earrings. He knows you like color, and he knows you like big earrings, but he also knows you like gold. So he got you a pair of large, dangly, gold earrings, diamonds tracing the circle that rests on the lobe of your ear. Like a stream, chains of gold trickle down from the circle and he'd guess they'd rest just at the tops of your shoulders. It was real gold and real diamonds, which he knows you'll give him a smack in the chest for spending so much, but you deserve nothing less than to be spoiled.
Finally, the third gift is more of a present for the both of you. A cute, lacy bralette and panty set. Pink lace with a white trim, complete with a tiny embroidered rose at both the middle of the bra and the top hem of the underwear.
Bucky watches as you excitedly unwrap the gifts, giving him a kiss after each one, as well as a smack for the earrings, just as he predicted.
He watched as you gave him a show, shedding your clothes to put on everything he got you. Like a kid on christmas, wanting to play with all of their toys at the same time. You begin with the undergarment set, and you have to swat at Bucky's wandering hands, he loves a girl in lace. Next you slip on the green dress and it flows down to just below your knee. Bucky laughs as he watches you give him a twirl.
You turn serious to put on the earrings, you don't think you've ever owned something so precious in your life. Once they're in your ears, you turn away from the mirror and look to Bucky.
He's giving you… a look. A look that he's been giving you for a while but you can't quite put a label on it.
"How do I look?"
"Beautiful. Beautiful doesn't even cut it."
You smile at him and take a few steps closer to him, but he meets you halfway, standing from his seat on your bed. He approaches you and wraps his arms around your waist, your own hands finding their place on his shoulders.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., play some music, would ya? Give me some Al Green." Bucky requests.
Soft drums and trumpets begin to play and Bucky trails his hand from your waist to grab your hand and hold it out, assuming a slow dance position.
The two of you sway back and forth to Green's voice,
I'm so in love you with you
Whatever you want to do
Is alright with me,
Moving back and forth to the beats of the music, Bucky rests his forehead against yours. After a chorus or two, he pulls back and gives you a small spin before bringing you back into his arms.
Let's stay together
Loving you wherever,
The music fades out but the two of you continue to sway.
Bucky slowly moves his hands up to cradle your face, pulling you close, and gently kissing your lips. He pulls away barely an inch, and the words slip out before he can think,
"I love you."
He feels his body tense, but he doesn't pull back from you. He senses your lips turn up into a wide smile before you kiss him again.
"I love you, too."
Source: https://wienerbarnes.tumblr.com/post/631960040004337664/lets-stay-together
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